How to Outline a Podcast Episode
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Aaron Dowd
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Sep 07, 2015
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Today I’m sharing my process for writing outlines. If you've never written an outline for your podcast before, I'm going to teach you how today. What does a podcast outline do for you? It helps you stay focused. It helps you make sure you cover all the topics you want to cover, or ask or answer the right questions. It helps you keep the episode on track. Listeners want to know what they’re going to get from a show. You may have recorded an epic episode with tons of great advice and takeaways, but if you don’t tell the listeners in advance what they can expect, they won't know what's coming. People will tune out if they don’t know to expect or what the point of the episode is. In this episode, you'll learn how to outline your episodes and explain the content of your episode at the start of your episode so you can keep people listening (and subscribing) to your show. Highlights, Takeaways & Quick Wins The purpose of outlining is to keep you focused on the big picture things before you dive into the small details. Start your outline with your big idea. This will be the main topic of the episode. In your intro, tell your listeners what they can expect. Explain to them why this topic matters and why they should care. You don’t have to do any real writing inside of a mind map outline. It’s just for laying out the main sections and big ideas of the episode. Invest some time every week doing additional research on your topic. Find out what other people are saying about your topic. Find and address any counter-arguments. Why Outline? If you’ve never done outlines before for your podcast, I recommend trying it. If you don’t have an outline, you won’t have structure. Your show won’t feel like it has direction. You might forget important things. If you’re doing an interview, you might miss important questions or forget to talk about certain things. While doing an interview, it’s ok to go with the flow and the conversation, but your listeners will appreciate if you prepare topics to talk about with your guest. The purpose of outlining is to keep you focused on the big picture things before you dive into the small details. If you try to write out an episode from start to finish, it’s easy to get bogged down in the details of one section and lose sight of the big picture. But don’t take my word for it. Listen to what these folks have to say about outlining: Scotty: I’ve been doing mind mapping to begin my process of outlining. I select the main takeaways that I can focus on and then prepare the outline. Sometimes my mind goes off the outline but that’s alright. Mind maps have been huge to stop me from staring at the cursor blinking wondering where to start. Garrett: Outlining definitely benefits me. It helps me get my thoughts organized in advance so I can just start typing away and get the rough draft finished. I do think it’s important to not stick strictly to the outline. Sometimes you’re writing and you realize the order should be different, or you need to add something, or remove something, and that’s okay. The outline isn’t the definitive. Let's start by walking through the sections of a typical episode outline, and then dive into more detail about each piece. Please feel free to adapt this outline to meet your needs. This is how I outline and I hope it will give you a nice starting point but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. How to Start a Podcast Episode Outline Scotty asked: Do you have your headline set before you plan your attack? Or do you start to write your outline then form an engaging headline from there? Now, Scotty said headline, but I think he means title. I always start with the Main Topic or the Big Idea. This can also be the title of your episode, but you don’t have to have the title before you start writing the outline. You can change the title later if you want. Start your outline with your big idea. This will be the main topic of the episode. After you have your main topic, what is your hook? What perspective or opinions do you have that are unique or interesting about this topic? What are your listeners going to take away from the show? After you have your topic and hook, start writing your intro. Think about how you’re going to introduce this topic or idea to your audience. After you have your main topic and intro, start thinking about the main points related to that topic that you want to make. These will be your headers. These are the main sub-topics or ideas that will make up the meat of your episode. You should also address counter arguments after you’ve made your main points, but I’ll talk more about that in a bit. Finally, you’ll need to do a recap of what you talked about in the show, just to summarize everything. Then you’ll do your outro. Let’s get into the details of each piece of your outline. First, the intro. Your Intro Should Introduce You, Your Show, and the Topic of the Episode If you’re just starting your podcast, it’s important to tell the listener a little bit about yourself. Tell the audience who you are, what you do for work. Tell them how old you are and if you have a family. Tell them what you do for fun in your free time. Talk about your hobbies. Talk about your goals for the future. You don’t have to go over all your personal details in every episode, but remember that new listeners join all the time. It’s not a bad idea to do a quick introduction at the beginning of every episode just for the brand new folks. Talk about why you’re doing your podcast. Tell your audience what your show is about. It’s ok to elaborate in your first episode, but try to describe the goal of your podcast in a single sentence in future episodes. Tell your listeners who your show is for. What kind of people do you want listening to your podcast? Is there anyone you don’t want in your audience? For example, my podcast is for people who care about making great podcasts. People who are interested in learning about audio and writing and technology and everything that goes along with podcasting. If you aren’t passionate about podcasting, this show isn’t for you. I’m not trying to reach everyone with my podcast, I only want the people that care intensely about podcasting. In your intro, tell your listeners what they can expect. Explain to them why this topic matters and why they should care. Talk about what problem you’re going to solve for them, or how the information can help them. Tell them what they are going to learn about or takeaway from the episode. After you’ve introduced yourself and told your listener what you’re going to talk about, then it’s time to get into the meat of the show; the main points. Key Points So you have your main topic. What do you want to talk about or share with your audience about this topic? Do you have any stories that you can share? Do you have any great blogs posts you can mention and discuss? This is where starting outlines in mind maps has been a game changer for me. For those of you wondering, I use MindNode for mind-mapping. It’s a great app. Before I start doing any real writing, I add all the key points in a circle around the main idea in the mind map. Sometime I’ll have an idea for a sub-topic inside of a sub-topic, so I’ll throw that in real quick, but I’m not doing any real writing yet. I’m just trying to brainstorm all the big points that I want to hit. You don’t have to do any real writing inside of a mind map outline. It’s just for laying out the main sections and big ideas of the episode. After I have all my main points on the mind map, I start thinking about which order they should go in: Would it be better to start with this subtopic? Is there a chronological order that I should go in? What should go first? What should go in the middle? What should go last? It’s really easy to drag the little topic bubbles around and rearrange them in my mind map, which is another reason I like using mind maps for outlining instead of text documents. Spend Time Researching Your Topic and Key Points You should do some research before you get on the mic. What are other people saying about the thing you're talking about? Bring a couple examples to share. Read related blogs posts. Watch videos. Even if you think you know a lot about a topic, there are probably still things you can learn from other people. Invest some time every week doing additional research on your topic. After you have all your sub-topics and sub-sub-topics laid out, dive in and start expanding those. This is the point where I export my mind map as a text document and import the text into my writing application, which is Typed (at the moment). Talk About the Counter Points After you finish writing about your main sub-topics, think about counter-points or opposing arguments. This is something I learned about in writing class in college. You can strengthen your own argument by anticipating opposing arguments and addressing them before someone else gets a chance to bring them up. It doesn’t always apply, but it’s still a good habit to develop. In fact, I’ll do it right now. I’m thinking about counter arguments to my argument of “Outlining is a good idea.” What argument could someone make that counters mine? You could argue that outlining in too much detail and reading from that outline can suck the life out of your delivery. Sean McCabe and I discussed this in episode five of my podcast. My counter argument to that would be: Yes, writing and then reading an entire blog post can sound stale and lifeless, but only if you don’t write like you talk or if you aren’t good at reading what you’ve written in a way that is dynamic and interesting. Also, I don’t think that most formats need that detailed of an outline. When I start doing interviews, I’m not going to write out my thoughts about every sub-topic. I want it to be a conversation, not me reading out a paragraph and then letting my guest respond. That’d be pretty terrible. Do some research and see what other people are saying about your topic. Find and address any counter-arguments. Try to find people who disagree with your opinion about your topic. What are they saying? What arguments are they making? Are any of their arguments valid? If not, why? Address them in your show. Try to put yourself in someone else’s head. Why do they think that way about that topic or idea? Recap Your Episode After you touch on your main points, go back through and collect the most important thoughts and points for your recap section. Think of this as the Too Long, Didn’t Read section of your outline. Make a quick summery of the best ideas of your outline. This is your last chance to give your listeners some takeaways that will stick with them. What to Put In Your Episode Outro There are a few things you need to do in your outro. 1. Thank your listeners. They just invested time listening to you. Make sure you tell them that you are grateful. 2. Ask for a review on Apple Podcasts. Make it easy for people to leave a review of your show, give them a link. The best time to ask for a review is right after you’ve provided a bunch of value to your listener. Many of your listeners will want to help you out. Remind the listeners that Apple Podcasts reviews can help your show get new listeners which will build the community. Good for you, but also good for them. 3. Read an Apple Podcasts review or other feedback you get. This creates a personal connection and shows the other listeners that you pay attention to your audience. 4. Tell people where they can find you online. Don’t assume that people know where to find you. Share your website, Twitter, Instagram, Linked In, Facebook, anywhere that you want your audience to find and interact with you online. 5. Ask for feedback. Ask for your listener’s thoughts and opinions. Ask them for permission to share those things on future episodes of the show. It might even become a topic for a future episode. 6. If you know next week’s topic, tease it. TV shows do this all the time. It’s a great way to get people excited for your next episode. It gives them something to look forward to. Of course, this only works if you have topics planned in advance. Episode Recap: Listeners want to know what to expect before they listen to your show. An outline can help you discover what the important takeaways are. Then you can share those takeaways in the title, show description, and intro. Don’t start filling in the details before you’ve written your intro, main points and sub-points, and outro. For your intro, tell your audience who you are and what you’re going to share in the episode. For your main points, thank about and share the most important things you can think of that are related to your topic. Do some research and see what other people are saying about the topics. Try to find and address any counter-arguments. For your recap, collect the most important thoughts and points. Summarize the best ideas of your outline. The recap is your last chance to give your listeners some takeaways that will stick with them. For your outro, thank your listeners for listening to your show. Ask them for questions and feedback. Ask for a review in Apple Podcasts. Read an Apple Podcasts review. Tell them where they can find you online. Tease the topic for your next episode if you know it. Q&A Christopher asks: How do you approach outlines for material that works best with visual aides? Like screencasts instead of podcasting. I think it works the same way. There are some topics that I’m not going to do podcasts about. Things like mixing and mastering are very hard to teach without visual aids. I haven’t tried outlining for my screencasts yet, but I’m going to start because the ideas are the same. It’s still important to introduce the topic, talk about the takeaways and main points, and then do a recap and an outro. Even if I’m not writing a super long and detailed outline, it’d still be helpful for me to plan a screencast using the process I described in this episode. --- I had a thought yesterday that I posted to Twitter: Pro tip for growing an audience: Focus on what you can do for them, not what they can do for you. I was thinking about this because it’s really easy as a podcaster (or writer, musician, etc) to focus on what we’re getting out of the work we’re putting out into the world. We think a lot about how what we’re doing is going to benefit us. I’ve started thinking about it differently. Instead of focusing on what I’m going to get out of something, I want to focus on what I can give to my audience. It frustrates me when I see podcasters whose main motivation for growing an audience is so they can sell ads. If your focus is on getting to 15,000 downloads per episode so that you can get sponsors, it’s probably not going to happen. Focus instead on delivering something valuable to the audience you do have, and answer questions for people who aren’t listening to your show yet. That’s how you grow an audience. /end rant More Cool Stuff to Check Out: Recommended Gear: Podcast: Twitter: YouTube: If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a rating and review in Apple Podcasts, or share the episode with a friend. Thank you! 💙 If you like this show, you might also like my new show, The Podcast News.

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