Episode 03
*Recorded Wednesday March 25 (late afternoon)*
Has your neck of the woods received a shelter in place order yet?
Is your family going a little stir-crazy yet? Cabin fever setting in?
How creative have you and your wife had to get to keep your kids occupied?
How about you? What is keeping you sane during a time when you can’t get to the gym?
Side bar question: How much time do you put into your basketball game?
I’ve seen lots of posts about people busting out jigsaw puzzles and board games. Do you get nostalgic for more “unplugged” activities like that?
Have you met with any difficulties since this started sweeping the country?
Any issues with getting groceries or essential supplies?
What’s quarantine meal planning look like at your house?
With people looking more and more at shelf-stable items like tuna, canned chicken, spam, cereal, granola bars and things like that, have you found some pantry item that you’ve become fond of?
What’s quarantine look like in your area and more specifically in your neighborhood? Are neighbors staying connected, helping each other out, etc?
Do you have any family members or friends that may be especially vulnerable or that you have heightened concern for right now?
Are you worried that Trump is testing fate by wanting to lift lockdowns by Easter?
Let’s switch gears and talk about your wheeelhouse. How do you train at home when quarantined?
It was looking like you were getting a deal in place for a 3rd Stipe fight right as the COVID pandemic has hit. Has that changed or shifted your priorities as far as whatever timeframe you may have been looking at for that fight?
If the “Rona” keeps its grip on the world for an extended period of time, is there a cutoff point where you say “Screw it,” I’m going to call it a career?
Crooklyn’s Corner is a podcast that's basically a hodgepodge of topics focused on the combat sports and entertainment community. The show will feature special interviews, fantasy matchmaking/analysis and whatever else we can come up with to keep our listeners steeped in fresh and engaging content. The show is hosted by Stephie Haynes and airs when needed to fill gaps in our Bloody Elbow Presents podcast network.
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