Have you ever attempted to catch a Grand Slam? Do you want to in the future? Well I recently was filming an episode for Saltwater Experience and we set out to catch a Grand Slam (Permit, Tarpon and Bonefish). I realized that it would make a great How 2 Tuesday.
The thing about a Grand Slam is that it can be intimidating as it is often talked up to be the greatest angling accomplishment. Though it is tricky and difficult, it is also possible and shouldn’t deter you from going out there and trying to achieve it…
So some things to consider are firstly that you will need to be disciplined to accomplish your goal even if something unexpected happens. For example, you might go to catch tarpon first and get it in the first 15 minutes. However it might also be some of the best tarpon fishing you’ve ever seen and you’d be tempted to stay out there for another 2 hours enjoying it… That’s the trick, you have to be willing to leave that fishing to go find the Bonefish and Permit and be aware that you might not catch the other two species.
Also whether you are the angler or guide you need to plan out how you are going to approach the three species. Will you leave the tarpon for last? What if it gets cloudy after you catch the first two species? Tarpon are the best when it’s cloudy. But tarpon break you off quite a bit… What if you catch Tarpon and Permit and leave Bonefish last? Bonefish are easily spooked…
So there are a lot of things to consider and it is tricky, but it is certainly possible and we actually achieve the Grand Slam on the Saltwater Experience episode! If you have any further questions or future podcast topics let me know:
If you have questions or suggestions for the show you can text Tom at 1 305-930-7346
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