Introduction voice over by Leebo Jakes from Lexington Paranormal Research Society
Narrated by Jerry Paulley
Written by: Jerry Paulley
Closing song: Kid Riot
Ask anyone in the paranormal field to name the most haunted city in America and Savannah will inevitably be in the top 3 of most of the people questioned
It is often joked that there are so many ghosts in Savannah houses that they have their own union.
The union sets up what houses they can haunt and what hours
On the south side of Savanna is a house that has been said to have as many as 5 entities.
Tonight, you will hear the story of the house on Victory Drive….
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Introduction voice over by Leebo Jakes from Lexington Paranormal Research Society
Narrated by Jerry Paulley
Written by: Jerry Paulley
Closing song: Kid Riot