On this special episode of The Vergecast, the ladies of The Verge take over the show. Did you know that nearly half of the team is female? Seriously, we’re probably two women away from a 50 / 50 split, but you’d never know that if you only listened to The Vergecast! That’s why, in honor of International Women’s Day this week (and Women’s History Month all month!), we have Megan Farokhmanesh, Adi Robertson, Natt Garun, and Ashley Carman in the studio talking about Google’s big and enterprise-y week, Iron Fist, and the exclusive, invite-only version of Tinder for mega-hotties. Whatever that last thing is.
Culture reporter Kaitlyn Tiffany also joins in to tell us her account of the Women’s Day strike.
00:49 - International Women’s Day
10:49 - Google's giant 4K digital whiteboard, Jamboard, will cost $4,999
13:55 - Google’s Gboard will now translate text into another language as you type
15:32 - Google confirms small number of Pixel phones have broken microphones
17:35 - Google Hangouts is getting a major overhaul to take on Slack
21:39 - Google can now recognize objects in videos using machine learning
23:55 - Iron Fist isn't just racially uncomfortable, it's also a boring show
28:45 - There’s a secret version of Tinder for hot people and you can’t use it
36:31 - Ashley’s weekly segment “Yo, when will I be able to afford this phone case?”
39:32 - The CIA is hacking Samsung Smart TVs, according to WikiLeaks docs
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