Welcome to the newest edition of Game of Rants! In this episode Sobie and Caitlin Macatee talk about how Tyrion got his groove back, shipping Yara/Dany to the end of time, Rickon Stark being a terrible Wide Receiver, Sobie has an interesting theory/prediction about Sansa/Littlefinger, how Sansa is a different kind of monster, the shows chance to #MakeDorneGreatAgain, and where Dany ends up in the finale! They also rant about Vietnamese Coffee, Sobie Nightmares, and discover a new book about Spacestation Schlongs that might be the greatest book ever made? We honestly don't know. But seriously the Spacestation Schlong stuff is absolute insanity listen just for that alone! Enjoy the newest Game of Rants! Check out Caitlin on Twitter/Tumblr/Instagram @thatCmonster and on YouTube at Cmonstercomics for Bedtime Stories! Our theme music is "Game of Thrones II Meets Metal" by Erock. Check out his YouTube channel 331Erock or his website