#FrustratedFridays: Something Unexpected
Publisher |
Ace Podcast Network
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Publication Date |
Jul 14, 2017
Episode Duration |
Reid started a new series where he will discuss things which he deems to make little to no sense, yet are used and understood by everyone. This week, he decides "expect the unexpected" is one of these such things. Twitter: @_thatfella_ ; @JDBGPodcast Remember to go visit Loot Crate and Bark Box with our promotional offer! Loot Crate Promo: www.trylootcrate.com/justdudes Bark Box Promo: getbarkbox.com/jdbgpodcast Check us out on all of our social media for up-to-date information and news! Twitter: twitter.com/JDBGPodcast Advertising Space: https://www.advertisecast.com/1458 Facebook: www.facebook.com/JDBGPodcast iTunes: itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/just-…d1202779387?mt=2 Tunein: tunein.com/radio/Just-Dudes-Being-Guys-p1000456/ stop reading... it's starting to creep me out.

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