Five Hundred Eighty Six Thousand Three Hundred Dollars (how do you measure an election loss)
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News & Politics
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Publication Date |
May 06, 2022
Episode Duration |

Here are the relevant links for this episode:

Public washrooms

Empathetic Albertans

Campaign finance

Warehouse Park

Summer Streets

  • PSA: bike-and-roll.html?soid=1127191170163&aid=gg14zqggH74">Summer Streets give everyone room to walk, run, bike and roll

Snow clearing

High Level Bridge



Speaking Municipally is a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network: locally grown, community supported.

This week we highlighted Alberta Blue Cross, which makes group coverage for small businesses easy. We also talked about NorthwestFest, the international documentary festival that is returning in cinema and online this month.

Speaking Municipally is produced by Taproot Edmonton, a source of curiosity-driven original stories, curated newsletters on various topics, and locally focused podcasts, all in the service of informing Edmontonians about what is going on in their community. Sign up to get The Pulse, our weekday news briefing. It's free!

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This week, Troy and Mack are back to fill you in on everything that happened during the guest circuit for the past three episodes. There's campaign finance disclosures, the new Warehouse Park, public washrooms - or the lack thereof - and much more.

Here are the relevant links for this episode:

Public washrooms

Empathetic Albertans

Campaign finance

Warehouse Park

Summer Streets

  • PSA: bike-and-roll.html?soid=1127191170163&aid=gg14zqggH74">Summer Streets give everyone room to walk, run, bike and roll

Snow clearing

High Level Bridge



Speaking Municipally is a proud member of the Alberta Podcast Network: locally grown, community supported.

This week we highlighted Alberta Blue Cross, which makes group coverage for small businesses easy. We also talked about NorthwestFest, the international documentary festival that is returning in cinema and online this month.

Speaking Municipally is produced by Taproot Edmonton, a source of curiosity-driven original stories, curated newsletters on various topics, and locally focused podcasts, all in the service of informing Edmontonians about what is going on in their community. Sign up to get The Pulse, our weekday news briefing. It's free!

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