Favorite Songs of 2020!
Podcast |
Radio Ronin
Publisher |
Radio Ronin Network
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Publication Date |
Dec 07, 2020
Episode Duration |
Hey SHOUT OUT to Meg and everyone at The Disney Store! You guys are awesome!!! Have you noticed those cool 2020 review things in Spotify!?? They basically tell you what your listening habits have been over the past year. Well, Chunga surprises the guys by forcing them to reveal what they’ve ACTUALLY been listening to!!!! Ha!!! Were they all embarrassed!??CHUNGA POLL: What's your most listened to song of 2020? Do you know? Post your answers below!Since we’re on the topic of music, Spencer has the most popular Christmas songs of each year, going back to 1950!!!!! Have you seen the latest Mandalorian!?! Well, it’s Monday so it’s time for a SPOILER chat about the latest episode!!! AND the guys play another round of Headline D&D!!! LISTEN NOW!!!!!!

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