Episode 9: The Bike Nerds Strike Back
Podcast |
The Bike Nerds
Publisher |
The OAM Network
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Society & Culture
Publication Date |
May 02, 2016
Episode Duration |
Fresh off trips to Chattanooga, TN, Boulder, CO, and Washington, DC, Sara and Kyle reunite in the Memphis podcast studio to catch up on what they've been learning from bike nerds all over the country, some interesting bike news they've been reading about, and to answer some listener questions. Big plans are in place for the live Bike Nerds Podcast show taking place in Memphis on May 29th. If you want to attend, make sure to check out the blog and Facebook for details.  Help support The Bike Nerds amp; start your FREE Audible trial today @  <a target=audibletrial.com/oam" src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/544b0123e4b0f2ea4e15ce32/t/5726bc95f8baf385ff654902/1462156453228/?format=1000w">

Fresh off trips to Chattanooga, TN, Boulder, CO, and Washington, DC, Sara and Kyle reunite in the Memphis podcast studio to catch up on what they've been learning from bike nerds all over the country, some interesting bike news they've been reading about, and to answer some listener questions. Big plans are in place for the live Bike Nerds Podcast show taking place in Memphis on May 29th. If you want to attend, make sure to check out the blog and Facebook for details.

Help support The Bike Nerds start your FREE Audible trial today @ audibletrial.com/oam

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