Episode 65: Independence Day: Resurgence / Top 10 Alien Movies
Podcast |
The Countdown
Publisher |
Paul & Wayne
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TV & Film
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Film Reviews
TV & Film
Publication Date |
Jun 28, 2016
Episode Duration |
itunes picIn this week’s big episode, Paul and Wayne try their level best to talk about the positives of the newly released, big summer tent-pole sequel, Independence Day: Resurgence, but keep getting side-tracked by everything they found to be terrible. (Protip: There was sooo much suckage …) Then in keeping with the sci-fi theme, the guys get busy counting down the best ten films featuring aliens in an essential role. Surprisingly, this ends up being one of the more even-tempered and agreeable Countdowns – at least until Wayne tries to shoe-horn some extremely dodgy films into his Honourable Mentions. The boys also Re-Count a number of lists and bits of feedback from listeners covering the last couple of episodes, and recently missed segment Check It Out makes a return. #PodernFamily promos spun in this episode are for Pat and Jason Have a Podcast @patandjason – check their Season 1 Finale episode to hear Paul weighing in with a submitted audio clip – and the great Moviesaurus Rex podcast @MRexPodcast. Hooch and Tom give their take on all things film in their highly amusing show, and plans are afoot to have them on The Countdown in future. Then, of course, there's also a promo for the show's US brothers, Nick and Justin aka The Epic Film Guys. You might recall Nick covered for Wayne in his absence so go back to check out those episodes if you missed them (54-56). And then show the guys some love by rating, subscribing and reviewing this amazing show at https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/epic-film-guys-podcast/id1027239734?mt=2 and checking out the EFG’s website at http://epicfilmguys.podbean.com/ from where you can now also buy their sweet new T-shirts! If you’d like to give Paul and Wayne some feedback or have your lists featured on a future episode, sound off on Twitter @thecountdownpc, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/thecountdownpc or fire off a good ol' fashioned email to thecountdownpodcast@gmail.com. You can also help the show out by leaving a rating or review on iTunes @ https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/countdown-movie-tv-reviews/id979577413?mt=2 If you don't want to scan the episode looking for a particular film, check out Paul's list at http://letterboxd.com/kaisersoze/list/best-aliens-films/ as well as Wayne's lists at http://letterboxd.com/waynetangclan/lists/ Music/audio clips used without permission and are the property of their respective owners.

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