Welcome back, everyone! Carry on with your week by checking out our latest ramblefest! With not much news to talk about, we manage to fill the time going all over the place; frequent Superbowl updates, making fun of people who expected a teaser for The Last Jedi, talking about the 20th anniversary of the release of A New Hope Special Editions in theaters, old Lando meeting new Lando, and answer two questions from two very special people. Please don’t forget to hit
StarWarsPodcastAwards.com and VOTE FOR US! Not only us, but the entire Star Wars Commonwealth! We’d love to appear alongside some of the other amazing podcasts out there, so if you can help us out, we’d appreciate it! And now on to our usual begging… If you haven’t already, please subscribe to our show in iTunes and be sure to leave us a review. It’s shocking how much they help! As always, send your que [...]