Episode 60: X-Men: Apocalypse / Bad Neighbours 2 / Top 10 Action Scenes
Podcast |
The Countdown
Publisher |
Paul & Wayne
Media Type |
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TV & Film
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Film Reviews
TV & Film
Publication Date |
May 23, 2016
Episode Duration |
itunes picTWO major reviews this week as Wayne and Paul get busy at the cinema (no, not in that way!). First up, they talk the comedy sequel Bad Neighbours 2, once again directed by one of Wayne's faves, Nicholas Stoller. Then they review the latest in the X-Men universe, X-Men: Apocalypse, with Bryan Singer continuing in the director's chair. Find out which the guys liked better and did either one surpass expectations? BOTH reviews are SPOILER-FREE (discussing nothing more than what you see in the trailers)! Then it's straight into one of the biggest count downs ever as Paul and Wayne talk the Top 10 action scenes of all time. Things are relatively harmonious until Wayne tries to shoe-horn in a film from less than a month ago, triggering Consternation Paul, that in turn brings out Go-For-My-Balls Wayne. Who will you agree with?! #PodernFamily promos spun in this episode are for The Rock Show @rockshowonline and good friends of The Countdown, Dan and Kev, and their great fun The Something Something Podcast @TheSomethingPod. Check them out and tell 'em The Countdown Podcast sent you! Then, of course, there is also a promo for those most excellent gentlemen, Nick and Justin aka The Epic Film Guys. Nick, of course, covered for Wayne in his absence so go back to check out those episodes (54-56). And then show the guys some love by rating, subscribing and reviewing this amazing show at https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/epic-film-guys-podcast/id1027239734?mt=2 and checking out the EFG’s website at http://epicfilmguys.podbean.com/ If you’d like to give Paul and Wayne some feedback or have your lists featured on a future episode, sound off on Twitter @thecountdownpc, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/thecountdownpc or fire off a good ol' fashioned email to thecountdownpodcast@gmail.com. You can also help the show out by leaving a rating or review on iTunes @ https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/countdown-movie-tv-reviews/id979577413?mt=2 Music/audio clips used without permission and are the property of their respective owners. If you don't want to scan the episode looking for a particular film, check out Paul's list at http://letterboxd.com/kaisersoze/list/the-10-best-action-scenes/ and Wayne's lists at http://letterboxd.com/waynetangclan/lists/

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