Welcome to a new week! In minute 49, Jason is on vacation, so David is joined by Todd Hartsell from Minute of the Apes, one of David’s favorite Movies by Minute podcasts. David and Todd discuss the donning of garments, and the terrifying, if wondrous, sight of golden hands closing around coats and hats. Todd […]
Welcome to a new week!
In minute 49, Jason is on vacation, so David is joined by Todd Hartsell from
Minute of the Apes, one of David’s favorite Movies by Minute podcasts. David and Todd discuss the donning of garments, and the terrifying, if wondrous, sight of golden hands closing around coats and hats. Todd teaches us about the language of 1970s film making. David spends way too much time reading the small print on the wall sized contract that Wonka presents to the finders of the Golden Tickets.
Come back Wednesday for more Willy Wonka goodness!
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