Episode 45: Zahra Alabanza
Podcast |
The Bike Nerds
Publisher |
The OAM Network
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Society & Culture
Publication Date |
Jan 23, 2017
Episode Duration |
Continuing with theme of intersectionality in bicycling, this week’s guest is Zahra Alabanza, co-founder of Red Bike & Green - Atlanta, a collective of Black urban cyclists improving the health, economy, and local environment of African Americans by creating a relevant & sustainable Black bike culture. Zahra chats with Sara and Kyle about the roll that RBG-ATL plays in advocacy in Atlanta, the ways in which Dr. King’s legacy is still present today in the Georgia capitol, and her experience at The Untokening conference that took place in Atlanta this past fall.  The Bike Nerds Podcast is sponsored by Saris Cycling Group. Visit  <a target=www.sarisparking.com  for a full array of bicycle parking and infrastructure products." src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/544b0123e4b0f2ea4e15ce32/1485182766377-3ROFQFBEWZIDQYVT5KOV/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kKJz6ogx6DKpzH30H5oOgEdZw-zPPgdn4jUwVcJE1ZvWQUxwkmyExglNqGp0IvTJZamWLI2zvYWH8K3-s_4yszcp2ryTI0HqTOaaUohrI8PIluL2RH0sfEyL2Ffi9cpduRgPCvXXwKwPZyPVGLNxupc/image-asset.png?format=1000w">

Continuing with theme of intersectionality in bicycling, this week’s guest is Zahra Alabanza, co-founder of Red Bike & Green - Atlanta, a collective of Black urban cyclists improving the health, economy, and local environment of African Americans by creating a relevant & sustainable Black bike culture. Zahra chats with Sara and Kyle about the roll that RBG-ATL plays in advocacy in Atlanta, the ways in which Dr. King’s legacy is still present today in the Georgia capitol, and her experience at The Untokening conference that took place in Atlanta this past fall.

The Bike Nerds Podcast is sponsored by Saris Cycling Group. Visit www.sarisparking.com for a full array of bicycle parking and infrastructure products.

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