On the show today we are grateful to have the CEO of Always Be Flowering Genetics, GHOST! Hes been kind enough to give us the inside scoop on whats happening in his world and what we should be keeping an eye out for going forward!
Be sure to check out the instagram - www.instagram.com/AlwaysBeFlowering
Check out our instagram - www.instagram.com/The_Pot_Cast/
Thank you to our amazing sponsors
Radio Ridge Nursery - You one-stop shop for all the best clones in the game. Many Many Many breeder cuts that you can only dream of getting elsewhere sought after old faithful and the newest of new (such as the Purple Guava from fig farms). www.instagram.com/radioridgenursery
Seeds Here Now - Best in the business and they stock Madd Farmer?!!? how perfect is that! go on over now -www.seedsherenow.com/
420Australia - Best 420 lifestyle and apparel in the game. www.420australia.org check it out.
Organic Gardening Solutions - Best in the organics game down under. Hit them up for the highest quality amendments and soil. www.organicgardeningsolutions.com.au
Finally, our patreon fans (www.patreon.com/thepotcast/) is the major life blood of the show and it COULDNT happen without them. please consider subscribing!