Mike Lawrence joins Big Jay Oakerson, Luis J. Gomez, Dave Smith on Legion of Skanks Podcast, recorded live from The Creek The Cave. The Skanks express their concerns about their new podcasting table, and share embarrassing stories about approaching celebrities in public. Luis discusses his upcoming fight against Ryan O’Neil at Ellismania, and the guys express their opinions about video footage of a man assaulting a child on a bus in Asia. A comedian without a voice featured as a contestant on Britain’s Got Talent leads the guys down a rabbit hole of videos from the channel Special Books by Special Kids, which features people with extreme disabilities. All This More, ONLY on The Most Offensive Podcast On Earth, The LEGION OF SKANKS!!! This Episode was recorded on May 2nd, 2018. We would like to thank our sponsor, Heshi Socks and MyBlu Go to
Heshisocks.com and use promo code SOCKSKANKS to get 20% off and get these crazy comfortable, great looking socks for just $8 a pair. Please go to
MyBlu.com and use the promo code SKANKS for 20% off any MyBlu purchase! If you're in the NYC area and would live to see The Skanks LIVE, all you need to do is come out to The Creek and The Cave on Wednesday nights at 9pm! No tickets needed. The Creek is located at 10-93 Jackson Ave. Long Island City, NY 11101. OR you can watch ONLINE FOR FREE at
GaSDigitalNetwork.com Once you're there, sign up with promo code LOS and receive 10 days free and have access to our entire archive of episodes. Including over 200 video episodes and all 340+ audio episodes that have ever been recorded! On top of that, you'll also have the same access to ALL the other shows that GaS Digital has to offer! Links From This Week's Episode: Steve Harvey letter Asian bus incident Pregnant Chinese woman trips kid Lost Voice Guy Lost Voice Guy interview Christian the eyeless comedian Kid with Nagers syndrome Life with Crouzon syndrome Bernie Mac Punchline disease Neurofibromatosis guy Chromosome 18 Deletion Keaton Jones Special Books By Special Kids website