MTT Coach Gareth James and Peak Performance Consultant Dr. Tricia Cardner kicked off 2018 with Episode 32 and Gareth talking about his new personal trainer! Gareth has set a goal of gaining muscle while getting into tip-top shape for this year’s WSOP. Likewise, Tricia has turned up her study time and is reviewing all of her Solve for Why materials. (34:13) We then launched into answering a question from YouTube viewer Oliver who asked Gareth specifically about the value of playing low buy-in live MTTs – especially when you live in a country where online poker is widely accessible. We discussed the various types of value that can be had aside from the tournament itself as well as the many ways to reduce costs overall. (58:47) We then tackled group member Mike’s question about making good New Year’s resolutions. Tricia explained the characteristics of good resolutions along with some practical strategies for deciding which goals to tackle and how to tackle them. She also broke down the research that is available on the topic. Want us to answer your poker question? Post it in Dr. Tricia’s private Facebook group: in Gareth’s private Facebook group: tweet it to us: @drtriciacardner @MTTpokerschoolDon’t forget to Sign up to get your FREE MTT Tools at: in Dr. Cardner’s FREE online goal-setting course called: Rev Up Your Poker Success ( Still putting off signing up for my course Crack the Code: Free Yourself from Procrastination? There’s no time like the present to enroll and learn all the many ways that you can stop procrastinating once and for all! Check it out at: