WE'RE STILL HERE! DADDING DON'T STOP FOR CORONA! It's week 34 of #Dadding and using this crazy quarantine to be more intricate in my daughter's development by introducing new & fun foods, playing books and then reading each one 4700 times back to back until I NEED NAP TIME!In our guest segment we welcome the creator and host of the podcast White Label American, Raphael Harry. We discuss his experience being an immigrant raising an American daughter, defying his Nigerian cultural expectations, how the Navy helped him assimilate to American culture, his love of street food and how 1 person can change your entire life. As always to connect on the fatherhood brotherhood hit us with an email at
DadHardPod@Gmail.com. Follow us on IG @DadHardPod and check out
WEDADHARD.com for all things Dad Hard! Until next time....... #DADHARD