Unfound is a podcast that has now covered about 225 disappearances. It has an interview-based format and concentrates on the facts, not the theories. Today, and for the ninth time, Unfound takes you back to the beginning, then right up to the present, as it covers recent updates on many of Unfound’s
cases.Unfound supports accounts on Podomatic, iTunes, Spotify, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Deezer, and YouTube.--speaking of YouTube, on Wednesday nights at 9pm ET, please join us for the Unfound Live Show. All of you can talk with me and I can answer your questions.--Contribute to Unfound at
Patreon.com/unfounpodcast.--You can also contribute at Paypal:
paypal.me/unfoundpodcast--I also need to give a shout out to all the people who have monetarily contributed usingSuperChat during the Live Show on Wednesday nights.--thank you for watching and thank you for donating.--the email address:
unfoundpodcast@gmail.com.--Merchandise:--The books at
Amazon.com in both ebook and print form.--do not forget the reviews.--shirts at
unfound-podcast.myshopify.com--or you can track down my assistant Heather in the Facebook Group.--playing cards at
makeplayingcards.com/sell/unfoundpodcast--the website: the
unfoundpodcast.com--And please mention Unfound at all true crime websites and forums. Thank you
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