Episode 251: Helen Ellis
Podcast |
Thinking Poker
Publisher |
Andrew Brokos
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Games & Hobbies
Other Games
Publication Date |
Mar 26, 2018
Episode Duration |
Helen Ellis is a proud housewise and poker player and the author of the novels Eating the Cheshire Cat and The Turning Book, the short fiction collection American Housewife, and the What I Do All Day Twitter account. Her poker ... Read more...
Helen Ellis is a proud housewise and poker player and the author of the novels Eating the Cheshire Cat and The Turning Book, the short fiction collection American Housewife, and the What I Do All Day Twitter account. Her poker ... Read more...

Helen Ellis is a proud housewise and poker player and the author of the novels Eating the Cheshire Cat and The Turning Book, the short fiction collection American Housewife, and the What I Do All Day Twitter account. Her poker playing was featured in real-housewife-of-new-york.html">this New York Times article.


0:30 Hello & Welcome 3:47 Strategy 21:46 Helen Ellis


1/2 NL

Villain straddles, I raise AdQd to $16 from MP and get 2 callers, Villain raises to $40.

I look at his stack and see what looks like $60ish in red with a $100 bill. I call, other two fold.

Flop AsKc6s (pot $112)

Checks to me and I bet $70. He raises all in and I learn he has two hundred dollar bills and it’s $140 more to me…

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