Episode 24: An entire caucus in a Prius. Creasy, McMullen, et al.
Podcast |
Dr. Heckle
Publisher |
The OAM Network
Media Type |
Podknife tags |
Science & Medicine
Publication Date |
Jul 02, 2018
Episode Duration |
Candidate for TN house district 97 Allan Creasy and comedian Charley McMullen come to the crosstown concourse studio to talk about slowing down the aging process, a multi action drug for lung cancer, and the percentage of Democratic State reps you can fit in a Prius.  Check out  Allan Creasy's campaign website   Follow  Allan Creasy's campaign on facebook   Follow  Charley McMullen on twitter    Want to guest on the show? want us to cover a topic?    email us at:  drhecklepod@gmail.com    SPONSOR:   Ronin Design & Manufacturing on Broad is excited to announce our free tattoo service for women who have undergone a mastectomy. We will be selecting one woman a month to come in and meet with our professional and experienced staff to discuss and then complete the tattoo agreed upon with her and the artist. If you, a friend, a family member or co-worker would like to participate in this program you can sign up by e-mailing  roninmemphis@gmail.com  or by contacting us on facebook  <a target=www.facebook.com/RoninDesignManufacturing ." src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/544b0123e4b0f2ea4e15ce32/1530558236131-RCB81HO8F9TFWP6VEIV1/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kKJz6ogx6DKpzH30H5oOgEdZw-zPPgdn4jUwVcJE1ZvWQUxwkmyExglNqGp0IvTJZamWLI2zvYWH8K3-s_4yszcp2ryTI0HqTOaaUohrI8PIluL2RH0sfEyL2Ffi9cpduRgPCvXXwKwPZyPVGLNxupc/DRH.EPBANNER24.png?format=1000w">

Candidate for TN house district 97 Allan Creasy and comedian Charley McMullen come to the crosstown concourse studio to talk about slowing down the aging process, a multi action drug for lung cancer, and the percentage of Democratic State reps you can fit in a Prius.

Check out Allan Creasy's campaign website

Follow Allan Creasy's campaign on facebook

Follow Charley McMullen on twitter

Want to guest on the show? want us to cover a topic? 

email us at: drhecklepod@gmail.com


Ronin Design & Manufacturing on Broad is excited to announce our free tattoo service for women who have undergone a mastectomy. We will be selecting one woman a month to come in and meet with our professional and experienced staff to discuss and then complete the tattoo agreed upon with her and the artist. If you, a friend, a family member or co-worker would like to participate in this program you can sign up by e-mailing roninmemphis@gmail.com or by contacting us on facebook www.facebook.com/RoninDesignManufacturing.

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