Welcome to Stacey's Pop Culture Parlour, where tea, cakes and rambling go hand in hand for an hour or so for your audio enjoyment. Joining Stacey in the cyber-parlour this episode is the utterly dreamy Stevie Disme from Comic Book Queers! Be prepared for a lot of man-oggling, guys...
As well as a ton of dribbling-over-comic-hotties, you can also expect talk on Nickelodeon's first series of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Pacific Rim, Trillium #1, The Wolverine, appropriate behaviour at comic cons and much much more!
So please, grab a mini Battenburg and enjoy this latest installment!
Episode Theme - 'All The Lovers' by Scissor Sisters
End Theme - 'I Could Have Been Your Girl' by She & Him
These little apology footnotes are getting to be a bit too frequent... Ahem, guys, I would like to extend my humblest apologies for the following;
1. To Stevie himself, for fudging up the time difference between his bit of the US and my bit of the UK, causing him to be hanging about waiting for me for far too long; you're a star for waiting for me!
2. To all you lovely listeners for the technical issues at the start of the episode; there's some skipping/crackling, then a whole chunk missing; I lack technical prowess and couldn't fix it, sorry :(
3. And finally, not so much an apology as an admission; like a div I kept referring to this episode as episode 18, when it is clearly 19. I blame Stevie for distracting me with his luscious dulcet tones!
Whilst I have you here, myself and some lady-buddies are doing a 10k Memory Walk for Alzheimer's Society in September; please go to
www.justgiving.com/stacebobandfriends and give anything you can. It's a great cause, and incredibly appreciated.