Episode #179: How to Become the Person Others Follow
Publisher |
Jeff Brown
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Categories Via RSS |
Publication Date |
Aug 22, 2017
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There is no shortage of books that talk about leadership. Few, though, actually help you learn how to lead. Fortunately for you and me, our guest today has not only taken on the challenge of solving this problem, he’s done so quite successfully. I’m talking about Joshua Spodek, author of Leadership Step by Step: Become […]

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There is no shortage of books that talk about leadership. Few, though, actually help you learn how to lead. Fortunately for you and me, our guest today has not only taken on the challenge of solving this problem, he’s done so quite successfully. I’m talking about Joshua Spodek, author of Leadership Step by Step: Become the Person Others Follow. The key, Joshua says, is practice. It’s the discipline that turns abstract concepts into useful tools. Joshua’s book walks you through what to do and how to do it in an integrated and comprehensive progression of exercises that are designed to cultivate key abilities, behaviors, and beliefs through experience. Exercises throughout help you accomplish the inner work and gain the social skills required for great leadership. In short, you’ll learn to: * Build self-awareness * Manage emotions * Speak in your authentic voice * Create meaningful connections * Inspire others * Lead with empathy * Support teammates Leadership Step by Step will start you on the road to success. Join in on our chat below Subscribe: iTunes | Stitcher | RSS In today’s episode, Joshua and I discuss: * Walk us through some simple exercises to help lead you to a better understanding of yourself * Why and how to consider changing your habits and beliefs * The traits you need to possess to be the kind of person others want to follow * …and plenty more! This Episode is Sponsored By Cloud Accounting Software FreshBooks FreshBooks is currently offering a month of unrestricted use to to all RtLP listeners – totally free right now. And, you don’t need a credit card for the trial. To claim your free month, click here and be sure and enter ReadToLead in the “How Did You Hear About Us?” section. If your business uses Freshbooks, and you’d like to share your experience with the Read to Lead audience, click the contact tab at the top of this page and let us know. Be sure and include “FreshBooks” in the subject line. Joshua‘s Latest Book You can order Leadership Step by Step right now! Joshua in Action Books Joshua Recommends Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl The Diving Bell and the Butterfly: A Memoir of Life and Death by Jean-Dominique Bauby Long Walk to Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela by Nelson Mandela

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