Quizmasters Lee and Marc ask, suss and answer a general knowledge quiz full of “easy questions” with topics including Key West, Super Bowl, Colors, State Capitals, English Language, State Nicknames, Country Music, Disney, Vitamins, Math, Acronyms, Native Americans, American Bands, Philosophy, Star Wars and more!
Round One
KEY WEST - What famous author's former mansion can be visited in Key West (now home to an extended family of their infamous polydactyl cats)?
SUPER BOWL - What two teams played in Super Bowl LV on February 7, 2020?
COLORS - What two-color combination is believed to stimulate hunger?
STATE CAPITALS - What is the capital of Illinois?
ENGLISH LANGUAGE - Beginning with an announcement by the World Health Organization on February 11th, 2020, what word became the most looked up word on Merriam-Webster's dictionary that year?
STATE NICKNAMES - What state, known as the Sooner state, was the last to recognize Christmas as a national holiday in 1907?
Nina and Aaron write in to correct our pronunciation
Voicemail from Jeopardyman
Round Two
COUNTRY MUSIC - Trigger is the name of what country singer's guitar?
DISNEY - What is the name of the pineapple-flavored soft-serve ice cream treat favored by Disney park patrons?
VITAMINS - What name is Ascorbic Acid commonly known as?
MATH - What is the term for the longest side of a right-angled triangle?
ACRONYMS - What does HTML stand for?
NATIVE AMERICANS - Counting 300,000 enrolled members as of 2015, mostly in Arizona and New Mexico, what tribe is the largest Native American tribe in the U.S.?
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AMERICAN BANDS - A band well known for a song on the Shrek soundtrack is from what large U.S. city that only has 2 professional sports teams, one of which is named after a natural disaster that often occurs there? - Submitted by Andy
PHILOSOPHY - What famous philosopher and mathematician, using the pseudonym Louis de Montalte, authored them? - Submitted by Chuck
Final Questions
MUSIC - Irish singer-songwriter Paul Hewson is better known by what mononymous stage name?
STAR WARS - Luke Skywalker's surname was originally what during production and filming but changed due to unpleasant connotations with Charles Manson?
Upcoming LIVE Know Nonsense Trivia Challenges
February 10th, 2021 - Know Nonsense Trivia Challenge - Point Ybel Brewing Co. - 7:30 pm EST
February 11th, 2021 - Know Nonsense Trivia on Twitch - 8 pm EST
You can find out more information about that and all of our live events online at
KnowNonsenseTrivia.com All of the Know Nonsense events are free to play and you can win prizes after every round.
Thank you
Thanks to our supporters on Patreon.
Thank you, Quizdaddies – Tommy (The Electric Mud) and Tim (Pat's Garden Service)
Thank you, Team Captains – Shaun, Lydia, Gil, David, Aaron, Kristen & Fletcher
Thank you, Proverbial Lightkeepers – Ryan, Mollie, Lisa, Alex, Spencer, Kaitlynn, Manu, Mo, Matthew, Luc, Hank, Justin, Cooper, Elyse, Sarah, Karly, Kristopher, Josh, Lucas
Thank you, Rumplesnailtskins – Doug, Kevin and Sara, Tiffany, Allison, Paige, We Do Stuff, Mike S., Kenya, Jeff, Eric, Steven, Efren, Mike J., Mike C.
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