Episode 114 - Kathleen McGehee
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Society & Culture
True Crime
Publication Date |
Oct 24, 2021
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Halloween is without a doubt considered the spookiest time of year.  It’s the time of year when we binge watch all of the horror classics, sure to induce a good jump scare - like Halloween, Friday the 13th, and A Nightmare on Elm Street. There are also those other classics that take us to a much darker place - like Rosemary’s Baby and The Omen, where we question the existence of demons. For one young man in the town of Manteca, California, there came a time where he didn’t just question the existence of demons - he believed he was actually seeing them. How to support: For extra perks including extra content, early release, and ad-free episodes - Go to - Patreon How to connect: Website Instagram Facebook Twitter Music Credits: The Minds Of Madness Theme Music – Duncan Foster The Funkoars – Feel The Madness Used with Permission - http://goldenerarecords.com.au/ge/funkoars/ Research & Writing: Ryan Deininger Special Thanks: Dr. Christina Forzani Psy.D Featured Podcast: World's Dumbest Criminals https://shows.acast.com/worlds-dumbest-criminals Sources: https://www.recordnet.com/article/20130128/A_NEWS/130129868 https://www.mantecabulletin.com/news/crime/police-recover-bloody-mask/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PSXVqb8INM&t=38s&ab_channel=Oxygen https://covenantcompanion.com/2011/11/02/covenant-ava-advocate-murdered-in-home-2/ 17e8-11e1-8e12-001cc4c03286.html">https://www.independentnews.com/obituaries/katy-hansen-kathleen-mcgehee/article_3a8259de-17e8-11e1-8e12-001cc4c03286.html https://www.recordnet.com/article/20120328/A_NEWS09/203280324 https://www.recordnet.com/article/20111102/A_NEWS/111020309 https://www.recordnet.com/article/20111101/a_news/111109996 https://www.recordnet.com/article/20111203/A_NEWS09/111209962 Oxygen “Snapped” Season 21 - Episode 10 17e8-11e1-8e12-001cc4c03286.html">https://www.independentnews.com/obituaries/katy-hansen-kathleen-mcgehee/article_3a8259de-17e8-11e1-8e12-001cc4c03286.html https://www.recordnet.com/article/20040523/A_NEWS/305239963 https://www.recordnet.com/article/20130129/a_news/301290311 https://caselaw.findlaw.com/ca-court-of-appeal/1733295.html?fbclid=IwAR2wwKr8Wlfoluule0PiwsRR6f655JH6AQsu_vsXvBDskwFKEEkgGXeYe9g

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