Serious fun - that's this interview where Kristin & Mary Fran sit down with Victor Pisano! Victor is Founder of Charge Up, a pay-it-forward platform and his personal mission to assist others to find their passion, build their idea and always see the good in people. And When it comes to paying it forward, be a leader. Most touching--Victor's mission was inspired by his father--a perfect Father's Day gift to all. Funny, serious, thoughtful and hard-charging, Victor is a certified (perhaps certifiable?) softball junkie, devoted to friends and family. He’s also a successful businessman with 27 years of business experience (17 years with two Fortune 500 companies), known for his strong business acumen and respected by peers across the nation. He has a colorful professional history that spans from Texas to LA and back to Texas again, and is a graduate of Texas A&M University with a BA in Communications and a minor in Psychology. He’s also a Certified John Maxwell Team speaker, coach and trainer. Learn more and connect with VIctor at