KarenLee got a mani-pedi with Nina Hartley and reopened Pandora's box. Once again, Nina offers Cam sex lessons. Meanwhile, Cam just got back from a trip to Asia, and he divulges what he learned about sex culture in Japan, Korea, and China. We’d love to answer your sex or relationship questions! Please email us at
sextalkpodcast@gmail.com or text / leave a voicemail for us at 323-472-4237. Thank you for all the love over the past 80+ episodes. If you'd like to support the show, consider funding our Patreon page at
www.patreon.com/sextalkwithmymom. We'd be very grateful! Get close with us on social at: Facebook/Instagram - @SexTalkWithMyMom Twitter - @SexTalkPodcast Website -
www.SexTalkWithMyMom.com With love, KarenLee and Cam
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