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- Publication Date |
- Jan 10, 2018
- Episode Duration |
- 01:01:47
This episode we Quick Hit Review a bevy of books: Spider-Man #236, Iron Fist #76, Guardians of the Galaxy #150, X-Men Gold #19, Phoenix Resurrection #2, Black Panther 2099 Walking Dead #175, Thor #700, Spirits of Vengeance #1, Iron Man #593-595 and Avengers #672. We stand united in our opinion of the simple yet strong Captain America #697. John then gives us his Boob Tube Reviews of Godless, Black Mirror and Dark from Netflix as well as Hulu's Runaways. Moon Knight #188-190 is discussed in depth as the creative team is proving to be one of the strongest to emerge from Marvel Legacy. We wrap up with Mister Miracle #6. Billed as the emotional end to the first arc does the SPOILER truly bring the feels or is this story stuck in neutral? Show Notes: QUICK HIT REVIEWS 2:10 CAPTAIN AMERICA #697 14:00 BOOB TUBE REVIEW 21:30 MOON KNIGHT #188-190 36:18 MISTER MIRACLE #6 52:38