Ep. 111 The Chicago Rippers: An-PONY-o Banderas
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Cult Podcast
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Society & Culture
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True Crime
Publication Date |
Oct 07, 2019
Episode Duration |

As we prep our new live show for 2020 we thought we'd put the six months we spent researching to use by sharing the absolutely insane story of The Chicago Rippers. This group of cannibalistic, Satan worshiping, heavy metal blasting murderers are definitely some of the most terrifying people to ever come out of the murder capital of America: the Midwest. Join us as Mando takes Paige and Andrea through the life of their leader, Robin Gecht. See how he went from the King of Hashbrowns to the Dark Lord of Slashtown. Buckle up. This series is gonna get wild.

Also, we have a Patreon! [Insert Air Horn Noises Here] If you'd like to donate and join our cult, please visit www.patreon.com/cultpodcast or visit our website and click on the Patreon tab.

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