Ed McBain s Killer s Wedge Episode 8 Bonus We re Not Graphologists
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Publication Date |
Aug 21, 2017
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**Hark! It's the 87th Precinct Podcast Bonus Episode!** Hello and welcome to the sound of three men comparing the letter 'r' for your listening pleasure! In this episode we follow up on the last episode discovery of artist Theo Ramos's name in Stevo's book (have a look at https://artuk.org/discover/artists/ramos-theodore-b-1928 for some examples of his work) and we take a further look at the 87th Precinct TV episode, Lady In Waiting (2 October '61), and revel in the intense eye-acting work of Constance Ford. Also, if you're not from the UK and you've never heard of Art Attack, How? or Neil Buchanan's "Marseille" - don't worry about it. You're probably better off. We'll be back soon with the matrimonial catastrophe that is Ed McBain's "'Til Death" ('59)! Please, if you're enjoying these, a review on Apple Podcasts would be super-appreciated and allow us to reach a wider audience. Feel free to comment, contribute or critique at Hark87Podcast on social media, or email us at Hark87Podcast@gmail.com - bye!

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