Remember when you went to the cinema and it was a real occasion? You would stand for the Queen, there was an interval when you could stock up on treats, and there was only one film on at a time. Dunedinites have been sharing their memories of the city's cinema heritage with local theatre makers, WOW Productions. The shout-out ties in with the New Zealand premiere of a Pulitzer Prize winning play called The Flicks, set In a run-down movie theatre in the US. Lynn Freeman talks to Rosella Hart from WOW about the project - and also about her own early cinema going experiences. There's a talk on Thursday 13th June at the Dunedin Public Library on The Flicks: Remembering Dunedin's Picture Palaces. And on the 4th of July, Allen Hall Theatre hosts the New Zealand premiere of the play The Flick by Annie Baker. To share your Dunedin cinema stories with WOW, email and put 'The Flicks...' in the subject line.