Don't Compare the Trump resistance to the Tea Party
Podcast |
Primary Concerns
Publisher |
The New Republic
Media Type |
Podknife tags |
News & Politics
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Publication Date |
Feb 24, 2017
Episode Duration |
There’s a strong temptation in politics to compare mass protests in support of Obamacare to the tea party protests of 2009, which nearly derailed health care reform before it passed. Jesse Ferguson thinks the comparison is flawed. Jesse worked on Capitol Hill during the law’s creation and for Hillary Clinton’s campaign in 2016. In the wake of Clinton’s defeat, he turned his efforts to saving the law from repeal. But in 2013, he was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer, which makes the fight an unusually personal one for him. Ferguson tells the New Republic's Brian Beutler about what he hopes to see from the latest batch of Town Hall protests

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