Welcome back to We Wonder: Lent. Long ago, Jesus said to his friends, "Come: follow me." Now that we near the end of the second week of Lent, we are following Jesus through the end of Mark 6. Jesus and his friends have been working without resting: traveling, teaching, and feeding 5000 hungry people. Now it is night again, and they are heading back out onto the water.
Mark 6:45-56
I wonder how Jesus was feeling after he saw the disciples back onto the boat, and sent the crowd he had fed away? I wonder what he said to God when he went up on the mountainside to pray?
Can I imagine being one of the disciples, pulling hard at the oars and fighting with the wind and the water out in the boat? I wonder if their bodies and minds were tired and worn out in the dark as they tried to steer their boat?
Now can I imagine looking up, resting my aching arms, and suddenly seeing Jesus making his way towards me across the water? Can I imagine what that would have felt like?
How does Jesus's voice sound to me as he comes close and says, "Be brave. It is I. Don't be afraid"?
As we've read through Mark, we've seen Jesus use his power to make nature safe and good for people: he calms dangerous wind and waves; he heals people from their sicknesses; and he makes food multiply so that everyone has enough to eat. I wonder why Mark included this story for us to read? I wonder what he wants us to see, and to believe, about Jesus?
Are there any words, or pictures, or moments from this story that I want to ask God about right now?
Are there any words, or pictures, or moments from this story that I want to take with me and hold close?
🙏🏾 PRAY:
Jesus of Nazareth, son of God: thank you that we have a book filled with your words and deeds. Give us the wisdom and understanding that comes from your Holy Spirit, so that we can know you better and follow you all the days of our lives. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
💌 Keep in touch!
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sarah@wewonderpod.com Thanks so much for listening, and I'll see you tomorrow!