- Publication Date |
- Dec 06, 2021
- Episode Duration |
- 00:12:07
Genesis 22:3-14
Today’s symbol is a ram. Abraham trusted God, and God was faithful to Abraham. God gave Abraham a ram for a sacrifice, instead of his only son.
I wonder what Abraham felt like on the inside, as he hiked up the mountain with Isaac, the fire, and the wood. I wonder what he said to God?
I wonder if there has been a time when God’s words did not seem good to me? Has there been a time when I felt like God’s promises were coming untrue? What can I say to God about that?
I wonder if there has been a time when I have seen God provide? Can I rest in that moment? How can I carry that moment with me today?
The angel, or messenger, of the LORD said to Abraham, “Now I know that you would do anything for God. You have not held back from me your son, your only son.” In Advent, we wait for God’s only Son, Jesus, who came into the world to live with us and die for us. I wonder: can it be true that God would do anything for us? What can I say to God about this great gift of love?
Generous God, you are our faithful provider. You did not spare your own Son, but gave him up for all of us. Help us to trust you no matter what, like Abraham did, because you are good.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.