- Publication Date |
- Dec 04, 2021
- Episode Duration |
- 00:12:49
Genesis 6:5-8; 7:11-24; 8:1-3
Today’s symbol is the ark and the rainbow. In the flood, God washed the earth clean. In baptism, we are washed and given new life.
I wonder what it was like to see the water rising from inside the ark? Can I imagine myself there? I wonder if all of creation looked undone?
I wonder if the wind that blew the waters dry was like the Spirit that moved over the waters in Genesis 1? As the waters dried up, was it like seeing the world being made be made again?
I wonder what new things grew, after the earth dried and the sun came out again?
I wonder what God sees when he looks down on our world today? I wonder what needs to be washed clean and made new? In my town? In my school? In my family? In me?
I wonder what new things God wants to grow in my life? Can I talk to God about that?
Gracious God, you love us too much to let us stay lost and apart. Thank you for keeping your promises, and thank you for the waters of baptism, where you wash away sin and give us new life.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.