In">Chapter 6 of Chamber of Secrets, titled “Gilderoy Lockhart,” we are introduced to two new magical items. Ron has the unfortunate privilege of allowing us to witness a Howler’s ability to deafeningly put someone in their place. And in the first Herbology class of the term we learn all about mandrakes and their fatal cries.
I thought it was interesting that both new items are, to put it simply, loud. Knowing that Rowling planned these stories meticulously I started wondering what purpose she had in mind by connecting these brand new items by their volume.
I don’t know for sure, but I think it’s meant to contrast all of the silence that occurs later in the book. For instance, the murmurs that only Harry can hear contrasts">Mrs. Weasley’s reprimand to Ron that everyone in the">Great Hall heard. Also, the victims of the">Petrification are frozen and quiet, unable to tell anyone who attacked them. Their situation is opposite of the wriggly, crying baby mandrakes.
Something else that I thought was interesting, was that we also meet two new Muggleborns in the chapter as well:">Justin Finch-Fletchley and">Colin Creevey. Where we only really got to know one Muggleborn, Hermione, in the first book, meeting Justin and Colin for more than a passing moment should have alerted us that Muggleborns would be important to the rest of the story.