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Country Strong
Podcast |
Gossip Guys
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Gossip Girl
TV & Film
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Publication Date |
Mar 23, 2020
Episode Duration |

Spotted, Andy and Aaron arguing over Leighton Meester's musical career with Country Strong (on Netflix!) and her pop country album Heartstrings (on Spotify!). This week, A+A come closer to uncovering the true Leighton Meester while under quarantine. Are we going to be able to come home from this? Should we want to? Maybe we all need more time in rehab like Kelly Canter. Can love and fame exist at the same time? Have we actually even listened to any Meester Music yet? Why Gwyneth Paltrow? Why does Andy dislike Tim McGraw? Can we free Garrett Hedlund? Can Leighton and Adam Brody start their own folk band? Are Aaron and Andy bonding over this ordeal? How can we help? If love is the most important thing, why can't we resist fame? All this and more. XOXO.

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