Follow-up. Microsoft has reinvented OpenDoc. A conversation about watchOS 7. Follow-up. Microsoft has reinvented OpenDoc. A conversation about watchOS 7. Follow-up. OpenDoc. watchOS 7. Are you getting it? These are not three separate episodes ... this is one episode, and we're calling it "Another Italian Interjected."
Follow-up. Microsoft has reinvented OpenDoc. A conversation about watchOS 7. Follow-up. Microsoft has reinvented OpenDoc. A conversation about watchOS 7. Are you getting it? These are not three separate episodes ... this is one episode.
Follow-up. Microsoft has reinvented OpenDoc. A conversation about watchOS 7. Follow-up. Microsoft has reinvented OpenDoc. A conversation about watchOS 7. Follow-up. OpenDoc. watchOS 7. Are you getting it? These are not three separate episodes ... this is one episode, and we're calling it "Another Italian Interjected."
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Links and Show Notes:
If you want to learn a lot more about OpenDoc, check out this very timely episode of The Icon Garden podcast.">Opportunities for watchOS 7 - David Smith, Independent iOS Developer