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College Admissions During COVID
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Publication Date |
Feb 17, 2021
Episode Duration |

What will the future of college be like post-COVID? If one thing is sure, COVID has already significantly altered college admissions. Princeton Review Editor-in-Chief Robert Franek breaks down some of the changes in college admissions like the test optional movement and whether to take the SATs. Franek also addresses how college application rates seem to be trending upward and whether high school juniors and seniors should consider deferring or attending the next few years of college. 



Robert Franek, of the Princeton Review, discusses how COVID has altered college admissions and what future college students need to take into consideration before applying and choosing a school.

What will the future of college be like post-COVID? If one thing is sure, COVID has already significantly altered college admissions. Princeton Review Editor-in-Chief Robert Franek breaks down some of the changes in college admissions like the test optional movement and whether to take the SATs. Franek also addresses how college application rates seem to be trending upward and whether high school juniors and seniors should consider deferring or attending the next few years of college. 



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