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Reel Chat
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Oct 10, 2019
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Welcome to Episode 107 of the “Reel Chat Podcast.” This is our very first commissioned special – brought to you by Reel Chat listener and supporter Matt Devanny.  Based on the New York Times best-selling novel of the same name by David Mitchell, 2012’s “Cloud Atlas” is an exploration of […]
Welcome to Episode 107 of the “Reel Chat Podcast.” This is our very first commissioned special – brought to you by Reel Chat listener and supporter Matt Devanny.  Based on the New York Times best-selling novel of the same name by David Mitchell, 2012’s “Cloud Atlas” is an exploration of […]

atlas-small.jpg">atlas-small-300x264.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="264" class="wp-image-3008 size-medium alignleft">Welcome to Episode 107 of the “Reel Chat Podcast.” This is our very first commissioned special – brought to you by Reel Chat listener and supporter Matt Devanny

Based on the New York Times best-selling novel of the same name by David Mitchell, 2012’s “Cloud Atlas” is an exploration of how the actions of individual lives impact one another in the past, present and future. The story is a time-shifting weave of six interlinking narratives, with diverse settings from the savagery of a Pacific Island in the 1850s to a dystopian Korea of the near future.

“Cloud Atlas” has been called “ambitious” and “polarising,” and I suppose, those are fair and accurate assessments. Directed by the Wachowskis and Tom Tykwer (of “Run Lola Run” fame), the film is an absorbing and stimulating exploration of various themes concerning the human condition and Cartesian thought. It’s certainly not everyone’s cup of tea. It asks thought-provoking, philosophical questions while managing to entertain and dazzle some, while bamboozling and frustrating others. 

Joining your host Adam Stolfo is returning regular Penny Jelly, as well as Reel Chat stalwart Michael Hadjion and “Cloud Atlas” appreciator Andy Hazel.


This commissioned episode of Reel Chat will be its last in this current format. It was recorded before this decision was finalised, so it plays as a regular episode would – minus my “Final Word” for the simple reason that I didn’t want the show to go on hiatus on the back of a big negative review. (Spoiler: “Cloud Atlas” wasn’t exactly for me – at least on this viewing.) 🙂

There are a number of important factors that have contributed to this decision. As I’m sure most of you know, these creative endeavours are driven by passion. The time, work and money that goes into each and every episode needs to be a worthwhile investment – not just for me, but for my entire team. Unfortunately Reel Chat is no longer meeting these requirements. But this doesn’t mean it never can. Particularly with the right backing and support.

My advice to our loyal listeners who want to see it go on – people power is integral. Share our back catalog with other like minded movie fans. Demand its return!

I’d like to personally thank everyone who has been such an integral part of its life since we released our inaugural episode at the end of 2014.

As Reel Chat contributors Jesse and Damon have rightly pointed out to me directly of late, this is not necessarily the end – just the end of this chapter. Hopefully I can rekindle the spark and bring back Reel Chat (or something similar) with a new coat of paint as well as a clear and exciting new direction. I love film and love sharing my passion with other like minded personalities.

Thank you so much for tuning in. In the words of the Terminator – “I’ll be back!”

Adam Stolfo

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