Our guest hosted series wraps up today with Christina Im. Christina and her husband Daniel co-host the wonderful podcast Im Between, covering all things parenting, marriage, and building a home culture of welcome and hospitality. Their episodes are both inspiring and practical, and make you feel like they’ve cleared a seat at the table just for you. You should definitely give it a listen:
Christina is coming to us today from Alberta, Canada, where in addition to podcasting and raising a family, she is also a social worker, a counselor, and an Enneagram enthusiast.
Today's passage is Philippians 4:6-7,
6 Don’t worry about anything. No matter what happens, tell God about everything. Ask and pray, and give thanks to him. 7 Then God’s peace will watch over your hearts and your minds. He will do this because you belong to Christ Jesus. God’s peace can never be completely understood.
We Wonder is written and hosted by Sarah Dahl, and is produced by Richard Clark and Nick Thompson. You can support this and future seasons of the podcast by joining us as a patron: visit
patreon.com/wewonder to learn more.
Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @wewonderpod to stay in touch, or learn more at
www.wewonderpod.com. Thanks for listening!