The Season's Grand Finale in the Tournament of Champions of our game show "Cast Away" challenges our contestants to cast a reboot of the Universal Classic Monsters Dark Universe!!! The competitors in this match-up are BdemDown of the Cult 45 Podcast, Drew of the Reel Feels Podcast & Jim of the History of Bad Ideas Podcast!!! What could go wrong?!? Well, besides a few technical difficulties expertly crafted by our producer?!?
So kick back, grab a few brews, break the news to Tom Cruise, and enjoy!!!
As always, don't forget to check out for all your essential oil & fragrance needs... and remember the promo code "VENUS" to save 15% on your purchase!!!
Also, if you're in Utah, come check us out at Brewvies Ogden every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 7-10 PM. This January 8th, we have a FREE screening of "The Ghost & the Darkness" with plenty of swag & fun to be had!!!
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