Building New Foundations in the Cannabis Industry - Part 2 with Elise Serbaroli, Debra Borschardt, and Christine De La Rosa. Today we’re going to talk about an important new white paper series called Building New Foundations in the Cannabis Industry: Creating Gender Parity through Ownership, Leadership, Boards, Pay Equality, Branding, and Capital, but first, let’s talk more about our guests.Elise Serbaroli leads Global Business Development at Strimo – she brings global experience in software and multinational food operations to the cannabis space. Elise is a member of the NCIA’s State Regulatory Committee, focused on Technology, Compliance, Regulatory Forces, and Informing Local Governments.Debra Borchardt is the Co-founder and CEO of the cannabis financial news website Green Market Report. She left Wall Street to earn her Master’s Degree in Business and Economic Reporting from New York University, and embarked on a career as a financial journalist, including as a senior producer and reporter at Debra is also a Co-Founder of the women’s cannabis executives networking group, Industry Power Women and serves on the board of the cannabis newswire, Axiswire.Christine De La Rosa is the co-founder and CEO of The People’s Dispensary, and spent 20 years as a system and database architect in tech before coming to cannabis. Christine has her own story and experiences of cannabis as a life-saving wellness medicine, which inspired her to open Benefit Health Collective in 2016, along with her co-founders, to help those who most need access to cannabis. Christine is on NCIA’s DEIC Committee.