Mur Lafferty – podcaster and award-winning author "Six Wakes", "The Shambling Guide to New York City", and so much more – returns to the Big Chair in the Archivos Virtual Studios to brainstorm a tale of the death and apparent resurrection of a superhero by David "Doc Blue" Wendt.
Mur Lafferty – podcaster and award-winning author "Six Wakes", "The Shambling Guide to New York City", and so much more – returns to the Big Chair in the Archivos Virtual Studios to brainstorm a tale of the death and apparent resurrection of a superhero.
The tale is offered up by creageous Guest Writer, David "Doc Blue" Wendt, a tale of heroes who are mystery cloned and the side-kick who must discover why. The story is fraught with awesomeness and it doesn't take for us to uncover a cornucopia of Literary Gold!