Shane Bauer, a senior reporter for Mother Jones, spent four months working undercover as a guard in a private prison.
“The thing that I grappled with the most afterward was a feeling of shame about who I was as a guard and some of the things that I had done. Sending people to solitary confinement is hard to come to terms with even though, in that situation, I don't know what else I could have done. ... I had to do what I could to keep myself safe.”
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Bauer on Longform
[7:00] ABC News v. Food Lion
[7:45] Newjack: Guarding Sing-Sing (Ted Conover • Vintage • 2000)
[19:30] "Solitary in Iran Nearly Broke Me. Then I Went Inside America's Prisons." (Mother Jones • Oct 2012)
[46:30] "The Man Inside" (Reveal • June 2016)
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