Welcome to Feedback with EarBuds, the podcast recommendation podcast.Subscribe to the newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/cIcBuHThis week's theme is Black History Transcends Time. Our curator is Adell Coleman, COO of DCP Entertainment.Why did she choose this theme?: "Black history is not just of the past; it transcends time, as history is still being made today. You have to know where you've been to know where you're going. This selection of podcasts presents historical moments that are still relevant and impacting the world today, from civil rights leaders, athletes, and HIV/ AIDs, to schooling and education."Sponsor:- On Air Fest's Podcast Experience: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-podcast-experience-tickets-526466223647?aff=EarbudsCollective- Black Podcasters Association: https://blackpodcastersassociation.com/Links mentioned in this episode: