@BitcoinMaxiHodl - Escaping Fiat Work and The #Education System. #248
Publisher |
Daniel Prince
Media Type |
Categories Via RSS |
Publication Date |
Apr 06, 2022
Episode Duration |

BTC $ 43,433

Today's guest on the show is @BitcoinMaxiHodl who joins me to talk about living a self-sovereign lifestyle, escaping fiat hell, selling all his shit and taking his kids out of the #education system. What was it like in the dark days of making @BitcoinMaxiHodl biggest life decisions and how did that affect his relationships with others close to him? How does a family readjust to a nomadic lifestyle after being 'in the system' for so long? Why does @BitcoinMaxiHodl believe that #Bitcoin plebs are primed to separate education from state and what does a #homeschool life look like for his family? A huge thank you to @BitcoinMaxiHodl for coming on the show to share so much of his personal journey!


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