- Publication Date |
- Aug 30, 2016
- Episode Duration |
- 00:58:39
GuS, Crystal and TJ play Titanfall 2 alpha, JR plays Marble Madness, Wendy plays No Man’s Sky and gets a surprise birthday party, TJ plays Deus Ex Mankind Divided, #MinecraftMonday update with GuS’ pizza masterpiece, Mohawk24 draws awesome fan art of our Dungeons & Dragons characters, Hoot News: PS4 slim leak, the Xbonesie, Dark Souls 3 DLC, the No Man’s Sky debate continues, Playstation Now comes to PC, unofficial Halo multiplayer remake, Popcorn Classics: Starfox, upcoming games Harvest Moon: Birthdays and Recore, Facebook shout outs, the weekly quiz & more!