Join me in a Behind The Scenes episode! In these episodes, I will look at and talk about the pre-production, production, post production, reactions and influences/inspiration of a film, TV show or video game.
In this one, I look at the 2008 film 'Cloverfield'.
Here's the link to the ARG video:
-What Were They Thinking?: @WWTTPodcast
-The Countdown Podcast: @thecountdownpc
-3 Cuckoos Podcast: @3cuckoos
-Flicks X Rayed: @FlicksXRayed
-Shut up! I like this podcast: @shutupilikethis
-Pixeltalk: @corbinstuckey
-Horror Movie Night: @hmnpodcast
-Flixwatcher: @flixwatcherpod
-2 Guys and a Chainsaw (Available on Facebook)